As you get older, there are quite a few financial and legal details to sort out — from figuring out your pension to writing up a will. Oftentimes, people hit middle age and realize they aren’t educated on these later-in-late issues and don’t even know where to begin.
That’s where UK Care Guide comes in. The site is dedicated to providing the resources and education needed for the second half of your life. Covering money, legal, and lifestyle issues, UK Care Guide aims to be a central hub of knowledge, consolidating everything you need to know and putting it in one accessible place.
“We understand that people often put off these tasks and try not to think about them,” says Saq Hussain, the site’s director. “But eventually you have to face them. Maybe your parents are getting older and you need to find care for them. For a while, there wasn’t one resource that helped people when they found themselves in that tricky later-in-life situation — but UK Care Guide fixes that.”
Saq and his team realized they couldn’t put this vital information behind a paywall. But at the same time, they had to cover the costs of creating this content, which took time and resources to complete. Saq decided to start an ad-supported model to bring in more revenue — while keeping the site free.